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HomeDestinationsCorkCork CityNotes from Sheepland
Notes from Sheepland
Cork City, Co. Cork
28 July - 31 July 2024
Family friendly
Notes from Sheepland at Triskel Arts Centre, Cork, from 28-31 July. This documentary follows a year in the life of Orla Barry, whose simultaneous careers of shepherd and artist are closer than one might expect.

Orla Barry is a self-confessed ovine addict. She is a decade in sheep, she’s still wondering what possessed her to start but yet she wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Orla lived in Brussels for 16 years and now lives and works in South East Ireland where she runs a flock of pedigree Lleyn sheep. Her work deals with the tensions of being an artist and an eco-farmer in rural Ireland. The Sheep have slowed her art career but at the same, caring for them has hugely inspired it. She escapes the studio by going to the sheep, escapes the sheep by hiding in her studio.

NOTES FROM SHEEPLAND follows Orla, an outlier, as she floats between these worlds. It reflects upon the primal, poetic and unpredictable bond she has with the natural world.

Event details
28 July - 31 July 2024
Start 18:00End 19:15
Contact details
Triskel Arts Centre, Tobin St, Centre, Cork, Ireland
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